The Saga of My Brand-Child

The Saga of My Brand-Child

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re diving into the riveting tale of my brand-child, not grandchild, mind you!

Picture this: January 1st, 2024, a momentous occasion as I celebrated two decades of brandpreneurship with the daunting task of rebranding my humble firm, ‘The Enablers’ to B (Black Belt Brand Builders).

To commemorate this milestone, I ceremoniously planted a neem sapling, marking the birth of my brand-child.

Just like the good old days of brand management, I find myself nurturing this leafy rascal with all the love and care in the world. Each morning, I speak to my brand-child. I then shower it with water and feed it the finest organic fertilizer known to man – my own urine.

Yep, you heard that right. Science says it’s a goldmine of nutrients, incredibly rich in nitrogen, magnesium, phosphate, potassium and calcium.  This is much to the chagrin of my dear wife, who is not exactly thrilled about sharing a bathroom with my ‘special’ bottles.

But I digress. Back to our budding neem sapling – it’s thriving, even in the blistering heat of a scorching 40°C day. Its leaves are as perky as ever, a sight that warms my brand-builder heart.

Because that’s the secret, folks – just like nurturing a neem sapling, you’ve got to keep your brand as fresh as a daisy, always.

Stay tuned for the next instalment of my brand-baby saga on July 1st, folks. It’s bound to be a real page-turner!

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